Can money pay for the all the days I lived awake but half asleep?
It's a line from a song, yet it seems so true.
I'm lucky to have a job, especially the way the economy is going.
So, I really don't want to complain that I'm not "happy" or "satisfied" at my job.
Sometimes I wonder though, what would I do if I won the lottery?
What would I do if I didn't need the money for food, clothing, shelter?
What is really important to me?
Well, right now it's food, clothing and shelter for myself and my family.
I know there are other ways to be "fulfilled", I need to find some hobbies!
I have a million things on my list of things I want to do, and a million things on my list of things I have to do. And we all have the same amount of hours in a day, how come some people can accomplish so much more than others? Is it focus? Ambition? Attitude?
Some things on my list of things I want to do include:
Yoga, Meditation, Jewelry Making, Scrapbooking, Genealogy, Candle Making, Painting, Collage, Photography, learning web design, and that's just off the top of my head...(and in no particular order),
these are things I dabble in when I have spare time.
There's just so much more I'd like to do.
Should I pick one thing and concentrate on learning and doing more of that?
Sometimes I procrastinate. Sometimes I start 18 things at once, and finish none of them.
Sometimes I feel obligated to do things.
Sometimes I just feel overwhelmed with all of the things I have to do.
I guess I need to remember that "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."