Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday, Sept. 17, never ending homework

It is now Monday, Sept. 17, the second full week of school. The kids have lots of homework, and aren't in the habit of doing it regularily. At this age, I must let them pass or fail on their own, but it's hard to watch. We are just getting into the groove of school days, and the weather is still nice out, so it's kind of the best of both worlds. I just wish it would stay light outside later, but that does seem to get the kids to bed earlier.
Fall is such a great time of year in the midwest, leaves changing, going to the pumpkin patch, and the apple orchard. If only we would get one good frost to kill the bees and mosquitos (huge this year, by the way), but then, that would probably kill the remaining flowers. Just like everything, there's good and bad, yin & yang.
Oh, and here's a tip. At Toys 'R Us, I found toothbrushes for the kids that play songs they like, but they only play while the kids are brushing it against their teeth. Finally! After all these years, a way to get them to brush their teeth half way decently without me having to stand guard! What will they think of next?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rita!

    I saw your blog on Blogging To Fame!

    I admit that I don't understand all the words here, but I can see it's a good blog!


    Good Luck!

    Best Regards,

    Renato de Trindade
    (Brazil / Rio de Janeiro)
