Monday, September 22, 2008

Wear your politics on your sleeve...

In Pennsylvania, it's now okay for people who are voting to wear their political t-shirts and buttons to the polling place. This article talks about the recent ruling. Apparently, the ACLU has received some complaints. But really, as long as they're not campaigning, or pushing their views on anyone, shouldn't they be allowed to wear whatever they like? Isn't that part of free speech? Is it touchy because your at a polling place...? Don't most people who come to a polling place to vote already have their minds made up? Or would a cool t-shirt make them change their mind?
I know this presidential election has tensions running high, people believe very strongly in their candidates, and I think it's great to be passionate about politics. One great thing about a campaign t-shirt, button or coffee cup is, you can get your opinions known, you can open up a dialog about your political views if you like, or you can just spread the word about what you believe in without getting into the details.
I think voters who show up wearing campaign t-shirts and buttons shouldn't be prevented from voting.
And here's the thing...if you need a campaign button, bumper sticker, yard sign or t-shirt featuring your favorite candidate, you can get yours at my store,

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