Sunday, October 4, 2009

A special place in hell for this person...

I was appalled at a recent article in the Wisconsin State Journal.

In this article from last week, this evil woman
"...sent a message on Twitter late last month while having a miscarriage of her unwanted pregnancy during a meeting of her company's board.

"I'm in a board meeting. Having a miscarriage. Thank goodness," Trunk tweeted to her 19,000 followers, "because there's a (expletive) 3-week hoop-jump to have an abortion in Wisconsin."

This woman has previously had two abortions. And I'm shocked that she cannot seem to figure out what causes pregnancy, or how babies are made. But she sure knows how to kill them.

But not only that, this woman has two children. I wonder why she didn't kill them when they were in her body? I wonder how she can be so cavalier about having abortions after actually experiencing the wonder of pregnancy and giving birth. I wonder what kind of example she is setting for her children. I am very sad for her children, both the living and the dead ones.

I think there is a special place in hell for people like her.

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