Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wisconsin Politics

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin has passed a budget reform bill that has folks in Wisconsin rushing to Madison to protest at the state capital. Union workers are saying the bill goes to far and strips bargaining rights from union workers. Republicans say these are cuts that need to be made and people in the private sector have been tightening their belts for years. It's a tough time in Wisconsin politics right now, and with elections on April 5, things are really heating up. Whether or not you're a democrat or a republican, you'll find a t-shirt or button to express your views at my Zazzle store, Creative Thought T-Shirts, llc. We've got "Kill The Bill" tshirts and mugs, as well as merchandise supporting the fourteen Wisconsin Senators who fled to Illinois to avoid having to vote on the Budget Reform bill. We've got lots of other fun designs...from t-shirts and coffee mugs to onsies and hats.

One thing that's very important is to get out and vote and voice your opinion! Contact your senator or other elected officials and let them know your views.

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