Monday, June 9, 2008

Barack Obama and the Fist pump

Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle gave each other a celebratory fist pump, (fist pump, fist bump, knuckle touch, whatever you want to call it). I didn't think too much of it, but the news had a field day with this. They showed it over and over, in slow motion, had people commenting on it, decided that this was just another example of how Obama is in touch with the younger generation, how Barack Obama is hip and cool. Not to mention, way younger than John McCain. My husband laughed and said "are they kidding? I've had an old white guy from Indiana doing the fist pump at me for 3 years, at work". I laughed. SO then I thought, does this really show that Barack Obama is young and hip, or does it just show that the media is in love with him? I'm not sure, but they were making such a big deal out of the whole bumping knuckles thing...I just had to come up with a shirt for my online shirt store. It had to be original, had to be funny...what to do, what to do? Finally I came up with this...I call it Barack Obumpa. I thought it was kind of cute and clever, then my 11 year old walked by and said "that's kind of a lame pun." So, now I'm not so sure. I old him it will probably catch on like wildfire, but he may be right. What do you think?

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