Thursday, July 17, 2008


Looking to be inspired? Inspiration is all around us, I think having kids helps inspire me because they see things in such an original way, they think of things I may have never thought of before, and they say what they think. All great qualities!
I have a Wacom tablet that I use for my Cafepress stores ( and, and I just love it. I bought the Intuos 3, 6x8, and it's wonderful!!! I need about a month alone with it so I can learn to use it well! Okay, 6 months, but the point is, there aren't enough hours in a day. I just love Corel Painter (came with the Wacom tablet). It's wonderful, and the official magazine is fabulous...has great tutorials (as does the website). Unfortunately, I don't think you can subscribe to the magazine in the U.S., but I pick one up from my local Borders bookstore. It has lots of helpful tips and tricks, and a lot of good stuff that you may have forgotten from art school. (Or never learned). The latest issue shows how to turn photos into sketches, very cool.
Some of my other favorite inspirational places include:

The ocean (haven't been there too often, but found it very inspirational).
Used book to look at the art books, both graphic design and fine art books.
The Artist Network

Deviant art - very cool, check it out!

KT Tunstall site...very cool website, I wish I knew how to make a website like this!

Webby websites!

This one I can't explain, it takes a while to load, but it's worth it. Try it!

Alright, I'm getting really tired...I can see I'm going to have to continue this list tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, because inspirational sites are abundant, like my bookmarks...


  1. Hi I have been thinking of getting a wacom tablet too how do you like it. How long have you used it. was it expensive?

  2. I love my little Wacom tablet as well! I need to get a larger one though to increase ability of larger work area.
    I got here to your blog originally through a post you left on about CafePress. From there I saw your store which led me to your favorite places page. All that said to say that I am from the Oregon Coast and have created this site ( recently and will be adding more and more video and stills as the summer and fall go on. My hope is to get a lot of traffic in the mid west and share this site with those of you who can't take a 10 minute drive and be at the beach!

    Would love to hear from you if you like it. Feel free to leave a comment on the site and vote for your favorite scene.

    Wishing you much success in your creative journey and making money online!


  3. I love my Wacom tablet, it was expensive, and there is a learning curve to it (you can't just plug it in and know all the ins and out, you really have to get used to it). I would def. buy the largest one you can afford (from what I've heard). If you check out the Wacom
    website, they have some galleries with fantastic examples of work done with Wacom tablets.
