Monday, January 19, 2009

Beach Scenes

Well, where I live it's been really, really cold lately. Today it's 16 degrees above zero, and it should feel like a heatwave. But it's damp, and my toes never really thawed out from last week. We had quite the cold snap. One day the HIGH temperature was 6 degrees BELOW zero! That was as warm as it got all day. And this was no one day fluke, it was cold like this for about 5 days. My husband put plastic covering on all of the windows, even though our house isn't super old, we figure every little bit helps. I am dreading seeing what our heating bill is going to be! Another perk to this lovely subzero weather, is that I'm dressing in layers...lots and lots of layers, old sweaters, 3 pair of socks (pairs of socks?) and wearing a hat indoors. I call it my hobo look, my husband calls it sexy (not really).
So, in the midst of all this cold weather, I can really appreciate a nice beach scene. I love this coffee mug that I found online at, as it reminds me of walking on the beach when it's nice and hot, and there's a cooling breeze blowing off of the ocean. If you're stuck in the dreary depths of winter, you might like gazing at this beautiful watercolor sandy beach scene, it's relaxing and comforting, and it reminds me that winter won't last forever. Right? If you're looking for some pretty light house paintings, Nan has those in her store also. You can find her original paintings on a variety of items, from greeting cards to keepsake boxes, (a great place to keep your sea shells!)

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