Friday, September 18, 2009

The Green Mile

The movie "The Green Mile" is on tonight. I haven't seen it for a few years.
It is such a good movie. I had forgotten what a good movie it is.
There are so many excellent scenes. Tom Hanks, Bonnie Hunt, Gary Sinese, they are wonderful. The interaction between them is incredible to watch. Each individual performance is so believable, you forget they're acting, and it's real. I love the movie, although it's hard to watch. Because it's sad. Like life, I guess.


  1. I love movies too. After I watch a movie sometimes I feel so stirred up inside that I have to write something just so I can get that feeling out. That's why I'm going to film school starting October 5th, I am so sososososoos excited.

  2. So Cool! Good luck at school, sounds exciting!
