Thursday, November 19, 2009

I hate change

I hate change. There , I said it. Not the Barack Obama change thing, not the change you get back when you pay for something, but the change that happens that we cannot control.
You know, when you get used to things a certain way, and then it changes, it throws you off.
I've always been like this, as long as I can remember. But the more I think about it, I wonder if I'm getting worse as I get older. Radio Shack changed it's name to the Shack. I didn't even know they were still in business. And people selling things, just making up words for their own benefit. Do they think it makes them clever? I'm sick of it. Everything from candy bars to fast food...they just make up words. It annoys me. I don't think they're clever. I think they should be able to say what they want about their product with words that already exist. If they're smart and truly clever, they could do it.

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