Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanks and Giving

Last week was Thanksgiving. Thanks and giving. They go together. I never really thought about it until this morning as I was watching Meet the Press, they had the author of "The Purpose Driven Life" on. I don't know his name, but he sure made some excellent points. I'm not even sure what religion he is. I'm going to google it. I think I need to read the book. They also had Bill and Melinda Gates on the show. They also had lots and lots of good points about things that would make the world a better place, and what they are doing, and what we can all do to help. It's very motivating to hear these people speak. Especially this time of year. And I know that the holidays are here, but it's good to remember these things all year long. It's been a tough year for a lot of people. The economy isn't great, I hope it's on the mend. I know so many people who are out of work right now, I really feel bad for them. It seems like there are so few jobs out there. I certainly hope things turn around soon. That is my Christmas wish this year. My husband and I both still have our jobs, so we are very lucky. But money is very tight. We don't want to go into dept, we want to be able to give our children a nice Christmas. It's a fine line.

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