Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back to school time already...

Yes, just a few more days and it's back to school for the kiddos.
I can't believe it! Another summer is almost finished.
The last few weeks have been filled with trying to fit in all of the things we thought we would do this summer. Going camping, going to the beach, going kayaking, watching a parade, and stuff like that. I hate to admit that we've spent way too much time in front of the tv and computer.
I've toyed with the idea of getting rid of cable tv all together. We did fine without it for the first 7 years of the kids lives, I don't know what possessed me to get cable in the first place. PBS is great. And we have wasted so much time watching mindless tv. Time when we could've been outside actually doing something, or reading a book. I feel like such a bad mom sometimes. So, now I think we're going to set some serious limits on time spent on the computer and the tv. It won't bring the summer back, but I can only change the future...not the past.
Hope everyone has a wonderful back to school year. I love fall!

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